Apple’s Exclusionary App Store Scheme: Will the EU Tolerate Gaming of the Digital Markets Act?

Yves here. Anti-trust enforcement and legal restrictions on excess market power is an overly target rich environment. This post describes how Apple’s new apps store


Victoria Nuland, Major Force Behind Failed Project Ukraine, Retires Unexpectedly

It is a cause for celebration that behind-the-scenes neocon mover-and-shaker Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, is retiring at the end of March. Her replacement


Links 3/6/2024 | naked capitalism

Dear patient readers, A malicious reader yesterday posted a comment falsely stating that I had been hospitalized for Covid (and having dealt with this troll


Ralph Nader: Real Gaza Death Toll at Least 200,000

Yves here. Ralph Nader’s estimate of the actual fatalities in Gaza is important in and of itself, for its political and humanitarian implications, but also


How Facebook Contributes to the Demise of Endangered Species

Yves here. I must confess to be lacking in imagination. It never occurred to me that social media sites would be major platforms for illegal


Restaurants: Canaries in the Coal Mine of the Covid Labor Reset?

Early in the Covid pandemic, some economists thought to raise the issue of whether it might have a serious enough impact on the labor market


Links 3/4/2024 | naked capitalism

The End of the Future– Each new day’s worth of Links is a testimony to the fact that we’re stuck as a society, unable to