Olympians’ families turn to GoFundMe in a race to get to Paris: ‘How would we miss this?’

Families of Olympic athletes are working against tight timelines and high expenses for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at the Paris Games. Source link


Airline stocks snap back, heading for bullish ‘key reversal’ patterns

The sharp upward reversal in the Jets ETF and American Airlines’ stock were producing bullish chart patterns, that suggest new uptrends may have started. Source


How financial ‘sextortion’ scams became an epidemic on social media — with tragic consequences

Meta removed 63,000 Instagram accounts run by a Nigerian network called the Yahoo Boys, which specialized in getting victims to share nude photos that would


Gen X’s retirement woes may give rise to a generation of ‘silver squatters’

This generation will need more financial and housing support from family than older generations, study says. Source link


When will women’s wages catch up to men’s? Never, according to one study.

The fact that the gender pay gap is declining doesn’t mean women are better off. Source link


Stock market faces crucial test: Can summer rally continue without Big Tech?

U.S. stocks are wobbling, as volatility rises in the bull market. Source link


I don’t need the money from my IRA right now — should I do a Roth conversion to avoid RMDs?

A pension, Social Security and military retirement pay cover our expenses Source link


Airlines grounded, banks and retailers experiencing outages tied to CrowdStrike issue

Major airlines grounded flights and companies globally were experiencing IT outages believed to be caused by a CrowdStrike cybersecurity platform issue on Friday. Source link


Record gold prices are in a ‘different world’ than silver and copper. Here’s why.

Gold’s rise to fresh record highs this month has left both silver and copper in the dust, with the yellow metal rising to its own


It’s National Hot Dog Day. Look past today’s deals and you’ll find plenty of franks that cost $6 (and more)

The summertime classic has climbed in price by 6.9% during the past year, according to the latest government figures. Source link