Jewish and Muslim Students Alike Suffer from Alleged Antisemitic Incident at High School

The first time you crack open your high school yearbook should be the first of decades of doing the same, lingering over photos that evoke


“Hate has no place in our city”—Antisemitic “Day of Rage” NYC Demonstrations Intimidate Subway Riders, Block Traffic and Spread Hate Speech

“Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist,” the mob chanted. “This is your chance to get out.” No one on the crowded New York subway


Freedom of Religion Argument Goes One-For-Three in the First Round of Pro-Choice Lawsuits

In a victory for anti-abortionists, most of them—according to a recent Public Religion Research Institute survey—White Christian nationalists—the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the right


Unitarian Universalists Vote For Love

At this June’s annual assembly of the Unitarian Universalists in Rochester, NY, the voting delegates decisively embedded love into the bedrock of the faith, as


Oklahoma State Supreme Court Echoes Madison and Jefferson In Nixing Taxpayer-Funded Religious Charter School

It would have been—and still could be—the first taxpayer-funded religious public school in America, representing not one small step but a giant leap across the


“Bridgebuilders and Peacemakers” – Women in Freedom of Religion or Belief Sound the “Never-Silent Bell”

Adam, according to Genesis, was made of the dust of the earth. Not so Eve. Adam’s better half was fashioned from one of his ribs—from


A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to the Vatican—Pope Hosts Over 100 Comedians

Did you hear the one about the Pope and the comedians? At a unique celebration of humor on June 14, Pope Francis hosted an audience


Communication and Dialogue: The Keynote of the 9th Annual Interfaith Solidarity March in Los Angeles

Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Scientologists, and members of other faiths and beliefs gathered at St. Basil Catholic Church in Los Angeles for the 9th Annual


Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches May Be Ready To Bury the Hatchet, and It’s About Time—Literally

For nearly a millennium, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Vatican have been engaged in what may be the longest-running ecumenical argument in


Can A Young Female Faith Healer In Blue Jeans Work A Miracle For Argentina’s Declining Catholic Presence?

He raised his hands and asked the 110,000 faithful packing the stadium to pray with him for the three-year-old toddler who couldn’t walk without heavy