This week we had the absolute honour to attend the workshop organized by Ashley Daniel Foot, and learn from Jiv Parasram, a cultural leader and an award winning multidisciplinary artist and facilitator. 

Jiv lead us in an open discussion and sharing circle on what it truly means to be structuring programming through an equity lens. 

It was a unique opportunity to see cultural leaders come together with artists, creators and cultural producers and ask each other open-ended questions on how we can best move the arc of progress forward. 

If you would like to join these free discussions, we are super excited to bring similar sessions to the community in partnership with the Vancouver Opera, the Vancouver Art Gallery, Rumble Theatre and Vancouver Writers’ Fest

If you are interested in furthering your knowledge on the subject of equity, a book which came highly recommended during the workshop was Frequently Asked White Questions, by Ajay Parasram and Alex Khasnabish. This book offers a practical entry point into conversations about race with humour and compassion.

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