Pushing the boundary on ultralow frequency gravitational waves

A team of physicists has developed a method to detect gravity waves with such low frequencies that they could unlock the secrets behind the early


Good news for coral reef restoration efforts: Study finds ‘full recovery’ of reef growth within four years

While the majority of the world’s reefs are now under threat or even damaged potentially beyond repair, a new study reported in the journal Current


More than half of American Indian youth may have abnormal or high cholesterol

More than 70% of American Indian young adults aged 20-39 and 50% of American Indian teens have cholesterol levels or elevated fat in the blood


Can you tell AI-generated people from real ones?

If you recently had trouble figuring out if an image of a person is real or generated through artificial intelligence (AI), you’re not alone. A


Researchers invent new triple-junction tandem solar cells with world-record efficiency

Scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a novel triple-junction perovskite/Si tandem solar cell that can achieve a certified world-record power conversion


Beyond the ink: Painting with physics

Falling from the tip of a brush suspended in mid-air, an ink droplet touches a painted surface and blossoms into a masterpiece of ever-changing beauty.