Bacterial cells transmit memories to offspring

Bacterial cells can “remember” brief, temporary changes to their bodies and immediate surroundings, a new Northwestern University and University of Texas-Southwestern study has found. And,


Cutting-edge algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to improve future patient care

Published in the Journal of Neural Engineering, a research team led by the University of Minnesota Medical School evaluated the reliability of human experts in


First low frequency search for alien technology in distant galaxies

The SETI Institute, the Berkeley SETI Research Center and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research announced a groundbreaking study using the Murchison Widefield Array


Study finds nearly half of U.S. counties have at least one ‘pharmacy desert’

Nearly half of counties in the United States have at least one ‘pharmacy desert’ where there is no retail pharmacy within 10 miles, according to


A switch for immune memory and anti-tumor immunity

A Ludwig Cancer Research study has identified a metabolic switch in the immune system’s T cells that is essential to the generation of memory T


Multiple sclerosis appears to protect against Alzheimer’s disease

People with multiple sclerosis (MS) are far less likely than those without the condition to have the molecular hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, according to new


Meteor showers shed light on where comets formed in the early solar system

An international team of 45 researchers studying meteor showers has found that not all comets crumble the same way when they approach the Sun. In


Extraterrestrial chemistry with earthbound possibilities

Who are we? Why are we here? As the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song suggests, we are stardust, the result of chemistry occurring throughout


New view of North Star reveals spotted surface

Researchers using Georgia State University’s Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array have identified new details about the size and appearance of the North


How ‘winner and loser effects’ impact social rank in animals — and humans

Research has shown that in many animals, the winners of a fight are more likely to win subsequent contests, while the losers tend to lose