Qunkasaura: New Cretaceous Sauropod Found In Iberian Peninsula

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – A new study reports a new species of sauropod dinosaur that lived in Cuenca, Spain, 75 million years ago:


Drones Find Evidence Roman Siege Of Masada Lasted Much Shorter Than Previously Thought

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com –  The ancient Masada stronghold is situated on an isolated rock plateau at the western end of the Judean Desert, near


Vikings’ Encounters With Peculiar White-Dressed Humanoids And Cave Dwellers In Unknown Lands Described In Norse Sagas

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The Norse Sagas offer entertainment and historical insight. These narratives, predominantly recorded in the 13th century, provide detailed accounts of


Evidence Supporting Drumelzier Legend And Merlin’s Death In Scotland Uncovered By Archaeologists

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The village of Drumelzier has long been associated with the legendary figure of Merlin, purportedly imprisoned, killed, and interred near the


Mysterious Ancient Tracks In Rock, Strange Legend And Hidden Treasure – A Puzzle From Arkansas

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –  During a review of historical documents and journals, an intriguing discovery was made that remains unresolved. In Arkansas, a school


Extremely Rare 2,700-Year-Old Black Stone Seal Depicting A Winged Genie Discovered In Jerusalem

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A significant archaeological discovery has been made near the Temple Mount’s Southern Wall, specifically within the Davidson Archaeological Garden in


Historians Search For A Frightening Ancient Underground Secret In One Of Tampa Bay’s Cities

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –  When you go to bed at night or head to work in the morning, do you ever think about what


Never-Before-Seen Roman-Era Wall Paintings Discovered In Ashkelon Revealed To The Public For The First Time

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Two Roman-era vaulted tombs, dating back at least 1,700 years, have been discovered in Ashkelon, Israel. These tombs feature exceptional wall


4 Things Ancient Greeks And Romans Got Right About Mental Health

AncientPages.com – According to the World Health Organization, about 280 million people worldwide have depression and about one billion have a mental health problem of


Little People: Ancient Race That Pre-Dates Native Americans, Celts, And Other Settlers Worldwide

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – “On the Isle of Man, the prevailing belief was that the fairies represented the souls of those who died long ago, possibly