A successful technology entrepreneur and a devoted public servant, Taleeb got his start in politics serving as a senior official in various federal government departments from 2002 to 2007 including helping to establish the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security. During his tenure he was Special Advisor to the Hon. Bob Rae and was appointed the Director of the Secretariat responsible for the Review of the Bombing of Air India 182 in 2005 

In 2007, Taleeb joined the Organizing Committee for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games serving as the Vice President of Strategy and Partnerships. 

After the Olympics, he returned to work in the tech sector, building and leading world- class, innovative companies that created jobs here in Canada and around the world. A sought-after tech professional, Taleeb has also advised up and coming startups across North America. 

Taleeb has deep roots in Vancouver and a proven record of community service. From establishing a mentorship program for at-risk youth at Covenant House Vancouver to serving on its board and on the board of Lion’s Gate Hospital, Taleeb is a fearless advocate for those most in need.  

His commitment to volunteerism and community development was recognized in 2007 when he was awarded the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award, and again in 2013, when he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.   

Taleeb holds a Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University, a Master’s degree in International Education Policy from Harvard University and attended Oxford University for his doctoral studies as a Commonwealth Scholar.  

He currently sits on the Standing Committee for Public Safety, the National Security and the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations, and is the Chair of Pacific Caucus. Taleeb Noormohamed will continue working hard for the constituents of Vancouver Granville- a vibrant, diverse, and fast-growing community.  

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